Clean water for Brabant

Clean Water for Brabant is an incentive project to keep the ground and surface water clean. Initiators are the Province of Noord-Brabant, the drinking water company Brabant Water, ZLTO, the Duinboeren foundation and the Brabant water boards. Ground and surface water are a source of drinking water. Contractors, potato, tree and open field vegetable growers throughout Brabant are participating in the project. In eleven groundwater protection areas, even all pesticide users participate: residents, companies, agriculture, and municipalities. In this way they together provide clean drinking water, now and in the future.

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Thanks to a unique collaboration, 100 farmers and contractors with new techniques have considerably reduced the burden on the Maas with plant protection products. This is important because the Maas is a source of drinking water. As a token of appreciation, Yvon Jaspers presented the prestigious International Maasprijs from RIWA-Maas to arable farmer Jacob van den Borne from Reusel. "You know how to approach and are far too modest," said Yvon Jaspers, who was impressed by the performance of the farmers from the Meuse river basin. The farmers' investment in the new techniques results in a usage reduction of 5-70% and a drift reduction of 55-99%, which means that much less substance is released into the water.

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